Friday, November 20, 2020

I Asked Death to Reshuffle My Cards

 I'm no stranger to death.  My close calls have inspired me to live my remaining years to the fullest without any regrets.  I will never forget that day on February 5, 2018, when I slid into oncoming traffic and thought it was all over.  Or the time I was on my way to urgent care when my cousin intervened and set me up with a food experiment that extended my life.  Death has always been and will always be an interesting opponent.  The rules of the game are not fully understood by us humans.  I do know one thing, there are times when you can ask for a mulligan and death must reshuffle the cards.

Please don't let death cheat you out of the best years of your life.  Take charge of your health now.  Try a caveman food experiment and concentrate on fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, and seeds for 45 days to reset your body.  Learn to meditate daily so your mind can be cleared of negative thoughts.  Sleep eight hours a day.  Give your body a break from food and skip a meal every now and then.  Keep your meat consumption to low amounts.  Surround yourself with positive people.  Do work that inspires you.  When all else fails, call for a reshuffle and start over.  Have a great day.

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