Sunday, November 8, 2020

Do We Have a Humor Gene?

 It's 7:00 AM as I write this message this morning.  Unlike most of the world, my TV has been off, even during this roller coaster week.  I tuned in the cold open of SNL on my cell phone after my morning meditation for a touch of humor to get me in the mood for my blog story.  Obviously, the humor gene, if there is one, is very active in people like Jim Carey and he will be much appreciated these next four years should we have a new president.

How does humor work?  Is it some kind of gene?  If so, is it possible to activate it if it happens to be turned off?  I've seen glimpses of this humor gene in my ancestors, especially my grandmother on my father's side of the family.  I also have this feeling inside my gut that the humor gene in my youngest son may be fully activated once we pay a visit today to Jonathan Herron, a comedian turned author/pastor.  My family was invited to attend by the local tennis pro, Arnel, who plays guitar in this morning's service.  Something tells me my son will be taking notes.  I find it interesting how our son portrays mom and dad when he's sharing stories, something we Mulligans are known for.

I may not understand how humor shows up in some people but not others.  We are each wired in our own unique way and we are designed to contribute whatever gifts we have to the world.  What I do know about humor is that it is contagious when executed properly.  I'm thankful my tennis pro in Michigan invited our family to attend.  Stay tuned for the final report.  Have a great day.


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