Monday, February 26, 2024

Staycation Day 8

Can you guess what I'm doing today?  If you guessed pickleball with the Mrs., you guessed right.  If you guessed another extended writing session, you also guessed right.  Before we head to the pickleball courts this morning, I have one contribution to make to our household – cleaning the inside and outside of our bedroom window.  Sadly, I've been looking out my home/office window every morning at sunrise through a dirty window I was too lazy to wipe clean.  That all changed yesterday when I declared, "Enough!"  Even though it was a bit chilly, I unhinged the window and treated both sides with pure vinegar before putting everything back together.  I really can't believe the difference it makes.  I wrote an entire manuscript with filthy windows.  What other things have I overlooked during my confinement to my home/office?  Perhaps my wife will forgive me for being mostly MIA these last few months.  Maybe I've overplayed the rules of pickleball where it's widely known that if you want to win you must stay out of the kitchen.  There's no mention of all other household chores that I have been mostly ignoring during my writing spree.

I finally cracked the writing code.  It sure took long enough.  2,500 love letters. A memoir.  A novel.  5,300 blog messages as of yesterday.  And two very stubborn writing projects that are more complicated to extract out of my head than the gopher from Caddyshack who became a squatter on Bill Murray's golf course.  The average writer would have given up long ago.  The superior writer would be sipping cocktails in the Bahamas enjoying retirement.  The remedial writer like me simply puts his head down, ignores dirty windows, and just keeps plucking unaware of the world around him.  The key to cracking the code?  In my opinion, cracking the writing code means you write from the heart and you don't aim for perfection.  In fact, it's the imperfections that make your stories unique.  The flaws, like my dirty windows, are simply a part of who you are.  Stay tuned.  By the way, sunrise looked amazing from my home/office window this morning.  Have a great day.

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