Friday, February 16, 2024

Get Out of the Kitchen and Join the Pickleball Express Train

City Hall in our hometown is going to meet our pickleball group sooner or later.  We are on the Pickleball Express Train and we're picking up speed.  I played pickleball in the morning yesterday and shared a quick update on my vision to bring outdoor pickleball to our community with the players.  "Let me know how I can help," was the common response.  I went home and got busy with the most complicated part of the proposal – the money.  Armed with some names, email addresses, and phone numbers, I got busy.  Within an hour the responses were coming in.  Encouraged, I reached out to City Hall to get my name added to the agenda for the next meeting on February 26 in Williamsburg.

I'm not really a fan of meetings, however, they are necessary especially when it comes to government.  The city manager sent me a list of guidelines that are to be followed in order to get on the agenda.  One of the necessary requirements is to first meet with the local parks and rec committee and get their blessing.  The only problem with that request is how far out the date is for their next session.  The next meeting for parks and rec happens after the deadline for applying for a grant I believe we have a great shot at securing.  I spent a couple of hours working on a reply urging the city manager to accept my response as valid even though I was bypassing the parks and rec committee meeting requirement.  The good news is parks and rec already knows about the proposal as my idea was shared in passing at their meeting last week.  Members of the committee want to this idea to advance to the key players in our community who have the power to say yes to four outdoor pickleball courts.

The kitchen is an area on the pickleball court that players are excluded from unless they are hitting a ball that bounces inside the kitchen.  Most people I know would rather get out of the kitchen and play pickleball.  I urge you join the pickleball express train and find your way to the nearest courts in your area.  If you don't have a place to play, stay tuned as I share my journey with you.  This is a win-win scenario.  Our group will win now should city hall approve my request to be added to the agenda and I walk away with a resolution to seek the necessary funds or we will win later when I properly check all the boxes necessary to cut through the red tape and secure victory for the community.  When the people in charge say, "show me the money," I will present my case.  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.

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