Thursday, August 20, 2015

Home is Where the Heart is

Today is my first vacation to California since I moved out of state over three years ago.  Our youngest son skyped with us from overseas before we left and he summarized my own feelings best.  "When people ask me where I'm from I tell them Iowa," he said.  "And when I add that I spent sixteen years in California they're shocked."  That's what happens when your heart finds the place where you belong.  It's not about beaches.  It's about quality of life.  I don't miss the hour long commutes or the mortgage payments that were interest only.  I never would have attained credit card independence without making serious moves in my life.

It's going to be wonderful to visit family and friends again.  I'm going to savor every minute of my vacation time.  And when the adventure is over, I'm going home.  California is a nice place to visit but my heart is in Iowa now.  It's where I belong.  Have a great day.

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