Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Mother

Please allow me an opportunity to dedicate this post to my mother, who celebrates her birthday today.  Some of the most important lessons that I have learned in this world come from her.  She never gave up on any of her six children, even though, at times, some of us gave up on ourselves.  It is her quiet prayers, day after day, year and year, that give my siblings and me some kind of special protection.

Most teenagers don't realize how smart their parents are until they get a little older.  I am one of those people.  Not only does my mother have a high IQ, more importantly, she has a very high EQ.  My mother has taught me to forgive others and to let go of grudges.  She has taught me to never stop praying and to expect God to hear every prayer and to answer it when the time is right.

Enjoy your birthday, mom.  I know you are still favoring snail mail over email and personal visits above Facebook chats.  This post is for the rest of the world, so that they may know just how special you are.  Without you, this earth would be much different.  I am proud of you.  Thanks for being such an incredible mother and for never ever giving up on any of your children.  Happy Birthday!  God Bless all mothers, they are our angels on earth.



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