Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Protection from Evil

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

Tom Hanks never gave up hope in the movie, "Cast Away". He had a volleyball named Wilson and a package with angel wings on it that he intended to deliver once he found a way off of the island he was trapped on for 1,500 days.

As I watched the movie with my wife for the fourth time, I shared with her that I would never give up. I have this feeling inside of me that this journey I am on is going to get a little bumpy in the days ahead.

I was warned by a spiritual mentor that the Evil One would eventually take notice of the plans God has for me and He would wreak some havoc. Recently, I learned that another anonymous source had a dream about me. I was in Hell and the Evil One was torturing me for all the souls I helped bring to Heaven.

Here is a special message for the Evil One and I want every man, woman and child who visits this blog to hear it:

"You may have fooled many people in this world into believing you do not exist or that God does not exist. You got a few people close to me to give up while I remained silent. You even got me to believe that my whole family had been "cast away". You tormented my father for 67 years but you did not get his soul. I will spend the rest of my life fighting you. I call on St. Michael, the left-handed Archangel, and all the angels in Heaven to protect me. If I am the last man on earth, I promise to be a thorn in your side until our Savior returns to claim victory over you and all of your empty promises."

The temperature is rising on this planet. The Evil One is tormenting some of my loved ones. I ask all of you for prayers. All of us need to join together to share the Good News. We need to stay strong in our Lord and remember that no matter how bad it may look in the battle against evil...GOD WINS!

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