Monday, August 31, 2020

The Slight Edge Outlook

Show me two people who are identical in their situations with the exception of how they perceive their future to be and I bet I can tell you which one will go the furthest.  A person who leans toward the optimistic outlook, even if it is only slightly more positive than the other person with a similar background, will come out ahead when predicting successful outcomes.

I decided a while ago to work on continuous improvement in every area of my life.  The small changes are yielding big wins.  If you find yourself struggling to reach your goals, take a hard look at your belief system.  Tell your brain you decided to give optimism a try, even when your current circumstances appear bleak.  Your brain may challenge you but you must resist any efforts to push pessimism.  One small shift in the direction of optimism is all it takes.  Make sure you allow enough time for the slight edge to show up in your life.  Have a great day.

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