Monday, August 10, 2020

Beware of Living in the Past

 For many, living in the past is a crutch.  The problem with crutches is they can become permanent should we choose to continue living in the past.  The best way to get rid of those crutches is to simply throw them away.  This means learning to walk again.  No longer can you say, "I need this crutch because this happened to me long ago and therefore I'm doomed."  The same is true with psychological injuries.  You can no longer say, "I'm this way because long ago so and so hurt me and I will never recover."  Throwing away the crutch means cutting all ties to the past and choosing to live a new life.

I refuse to give any power to past painful situations.  They are erased from my mind.  I observed these situations long enough to learn the lessons they offered and then I cut all ties to them.  This gives me the freedom to live in the present moment.  There is one more danger to be aware of when it comes to living in the past.  It has to do with the people around you.  Be wary when you see someone approaching who is unnecessarily carrying crutches.  Ask questions to see if you can identify the reason behind the crutches.  If this has to do with living in the past, set them free.  If they don't listen, walk away.  If you don't do this, you may soon need your own crutches because living in the past is a disease that is highly contagious and you don't want to become a victim.  Have a great day.

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