Wednesday, August 26, 2020

How the Reward System Inspires Daily Motivation

 Are you having trouble getting motivated in the pursuit of your goals?  Without daily motivation, nothing gets done.  I have a solution.  It's a simple reward system.  When your reward at the finish line is greater than your daily efforts, inspiration shows up in a big way.  What I like about it is that the perceived sacrifice appears to diminish over time while the joy of the reward increases when you realize that reward is really going to happen.

I decided to include my pursuit of financial freedom in an upcoming book, "Live Long and Prosper."  This pursuit goes to the core of who I am, a life long learner who never gives up no matter how challenging or time-consuming the goal is.  I can see very clearly just what is waiting for my wife and me at the finish line.  Every day I relish in the details of what that finish line looks like and who will be there waiting for me.  My family already knows about the rewards and they're cheering for us to do the work, that is the daily effort necessary to reach that finish line.  This part of my life will be one of the most important chapters I plan to share with readers in order to inspire them to set up their own reward system.  Stay tuned.  There is much to be done.  Have a great day.

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