Sunday, August 9, 2020

Choose the Later Reward

 Instant gratification seems to be the world's mantra.  Buy now, pay later.  Take advantage of the no payments for X months.  Or the 0% interest and drive home your dream car today.  Tempting isn't it?  There's a reason I'm becoming quite fond of choosing the later reward.  It's bigger.  Much bigger.  It's the difference between a lifetime of constraints or total financial freedom.  

Back in the sixties, there was this marshmallow experiment done on four-year-olds where they were given the choice of eating one marshmallow now or waiting and getting two.  Those who waited were found to be more successful later in life because they were able to maintain self-control in stressful situations.  These are probably the same people who ignore all the modern-day temptations that can lead to big trouble when it comes to managing budgets.  Don't eat that marshmallow.  Wait.  Choose the later reward. Have a great day.

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