Monday, August 17, 2020

Prepare Yourself for Your Best Scenario

There is a challenge with dwelling on the worst-case scenario.  When your mind dwells on possible negative outcomes, fear creeps into your life.  You see a mental picture of Jaws every time you go to the beach.  You visualize yourself dying because you contracted COVID-19.  Your fears take over and you lose the ability to live your life to the fullest.  

I like to focus on best-case scenarios.  I ask myself, "What is the best outcome if I pursue an idea?"  My mind works as an ally instead of a prison guard that won't allow me out of my cell.  Death is an example.  The worst case is you get sick today and die.  You stay in your home because you're afraid of dying.  The way I look at death is I focus on the best possible scenario and prepare for all the blessings that come with a long and prosperous life.  When death comes, it comes.  No big deal.  I'm prepared for the best scenario and accept anything short of that.  No fear.  Great adventure.  Great life.  Give your best scenario a try and forget about all those negative what-ifs.  Have a great day.

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