Thursday, August 6, 2020

Watch Your Triggers

One of the best lessons I've learned is to be mindful of my triggers, those situations that cause you to lose your sense of balance.  There are usually warning signs a trigger is coming if you pay attention.  The best way to prevent a trigger from launching chaos into your world is to stop it while the flame is smoldering before it becomes a wildfire of angry outbursts.

I see the fireballs coming from behind while commuting to and from work.  These rude drivers may have slept in and now that they're late, they're speeding to make up time while you're calm and relaxed traveling at the speed limit.  Allow them to set off an emotional trigger and your sense of peace flies out the window.  Do whatever you have to do to stay in your calm lane.  I refuse to give control over my emotions to these rude people who are trying to invade my happy place.

Make a list of all your triggers.  Odds are that they appear at the same time in the same places with the same people.  Do your best to change how you respond.  Over time, these triggers will have no power over you.  Have a great day.

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