Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Pause Button Today

Today is a perfect day to push the pause button.  Three storms passed through our community last night leaving behind cooler temperatures that will peak at 72º later today.  Sadly, communities to the west of us are waking up to devastation from tornadoes.   The town of Greenfield was hit the hardest with multiple tornadoes that destroyed nearly everything.  I came home early from my day job yesterday to avoid driving during the last band of storms.  

What a difference a day makes.  It looks like sunshine will be in abundance today.  The light breezes have replaced the 70mph winds.  There is a saying in Iowa, "If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes."  If only we could fast forward through days like yesterday when Mother Nature delivered a knockout punch to a community of 2,000 people.  My prayers go out to these families.  I understand why my wife insisted we live in a home with a basement.  Today will be a day to slow down and enjoy family time.  Have a great day.

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