Monday, May 20, 2024

A Houdini Act for Your Brain

Be careful.  Any attempts to trick your brain may backfire.  Your brain is highly intelligent.  I pulled a magic trick out of my hat in order to pull a fast one and my brain still hasn't figured out how I did it.  It's a Houdini act.  This works because there happens to be a blind spot.  The brain relies on signals from the stomach in order to figure out what is going on in the outside world.  If you happen to be carrying around some extra pounds you would like to release, I will share my magic trick with you.

The secret to releasing unnecessary pounds is to trick your brain into thinking there is a famine going on.  In times of famine, what's missing?  This is the hard part of the Houdini act.  You must cut off all things that are present in the good times.  In times of famine all the sweets disappear.  There is no sugar anywhere.  Even foods with "good sugar," like fruits, disappear.  Your brain gets spooked.  Something interesting happens.  Your prepared immediately prepares the body for the hunt just like our caveman ancestors.   It's like flipping a switch.  The number one counter-measure is the mobilization of your stored energy.  Most Americans have this in great abundance.  Another name for this is fat.  Once your reserves are activated, you begin to burn this stored energy until you find the missing sugar.  Please, whatever you do, don't pull the sugar out of your magic hat.  Do this and it's game over.  The magic trick ends.  Your brain calls off the reserves and goes right back into fat storage mode.  No bueno.

There is a great debate going on in the world today about what works and what doesn't work when it comes to losing weight.  The standard American diet has been around long enough to show the world that it is greatly flawed.  I learned another important lesson about my brain during my experiments;  eliminating processed foods and all things sugary has been beneficial because I'm much more alert in the "hunter gatherer" mode.  There is absolutely no reason for me to ever share my magic trick with my brain.  The extra 25 pounds that disappeared years ago can stay in the hat forever.  How about you?  Are you ready to try your own Houdini act?  Have a great day. 

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