Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Celebrating 12 Years at My Day Job

 Call it serendipity.  On this day twelve years ago I became a marketer for a well-known company that prefers anonymity.  If marketing and anonymity seem like an oxymoron, you're right.  How does an employee walk the tight rope when sharing all of his or her life stories and many of them are rooted in daily work life?  The answer is simple – boundaries.  The same is true regarding family life.  Confidentiality is critical.  Trust is everything.  If you can't be trusted to respect boundaries, you are going to be a challenge in the workplace.  

While today marks an important anniversary in my life, there is another one on the horizon that eclipses this one – my 35th wedding anniversary in July.  Schedule writers at my day job are making sure my anniversary in July is reserved to spend quality time with my wife.  I would like to wish my colleagues a happy 12th anniversary.  I really enjoy being your teammate.  Have a great day.

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