Thursday, May 30, 2024

Dodici's – Where You Can Nourish Your Body and Soul

Be the change you want to see in the world – Mahatma Gandhi

 Lorraine Williams, co-owner of Dodici's, located in Washington, Iowa, says everyone in her Italian restaurant from the dishwasher to the server is in charge of a performance.  Perhaps you have never visited a place where you are treated like royalty.  This is the place where you can nourish your body and soul. 

Lorraine spent decades living in Italy and traveling all over the world before returning to Washington, Iowa with her Italian husband, Alessandro Scipioni, who helps man the kitchen.  Their niece, Tsalika Rich, the third co-owner, won the 40 under 40 award in her community for her contributions to the town square.  This family owns multiple businesses including several airbnb suites located above the restaurant and cafe/gift shop next door to Dodici's.

Come and see for yourself why Dodici's ranks as the number one choice to eat in Washington.  I visited last night for a family birthday celebration.  Lorraine visited with us several times during our three course meal while our server, Sandra, tended to our every need.  On a one to ten scale, I give this place 12 stars.  The number twelve in Italian is 'dodice.'  Tell them the Mulligans of Williamsburg sent you.  Click the link for the details.  Have a great day.

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