Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue?

I admit I never heard of 'decision fatigue' until this morning when I came across an article which referenced recent studies about this subject.  It made sense to me.  Top performers know how to get things done.  They say no often to help stay on track with their goals.  They also do something else that I happen to do naturally – work on the most important tasks at the beginning of the day.  Most of my writing is done before sunrise right after a great sleep cycle.  In my opinion, a solid night of sleep sets up the best way to prevent decision fatigue.

My last three nights of sleep have been mostly in the 'blue zone.' According to my sleep reports, the last three scores have been in the 'blue zone' in 13 times out of 15 categories.  Last night was nearly perfect coming in at a score of 88 in the excellent range.  My mental recovery hit 87% which sets up an opportunity to face this new day refreshed.   

If you would like to delve further into this subject, click here for the story.  I highly recommend you begin monitoring your sleep and use the feedback to make better decisions about your sleep habits.  Have a great day.

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