Saturday, May 25, 2024

Entrepreneurship 101 Led by Bob & Kristy Walker

 "Our mission is to build community through agriculture education and culinary celebration. It is a perfect place for a micro vacation." – Bob & Kristy Walker

One could say that it was a chance encounter.  I know better.  I was immediately drawn into to the ambience at Walker Homestead in Iowa City owned and operated by Bob and Kristy Walker.  A family friend was getting ready for her dream wedding at the 85 acre facility and I was doing a drop off when I met a sweet lady who was setting up tables for the event.  There is something special about being on properties where grapes are growing and I felt right at home, especially when Kristy invited me to take a stroll on the property she and her husband cultivated.  Kristy handed me her husband's business card and invited me to come back on a Thursday night for a farm-to-table dinner which is open to the public.

I met Bob while meandering through the backside of the property.  Bob shared his plans to add value to the community and bring people together.  These folks are the real deal.  Both are professors at the University of Iowa.  Bob not only teaches Entrepreneurship, he lives it.  He shared stories about how he brought his students to a town along the RAGBRAI bike route and asked them to come up with projects that would enhance the communities during the bike ride across the state.  He stated that the family acquired the property shortly before the start of the pandemic.  Bob used his entrepreneurial skills to thrive when times got tough.  Kristy added that a carrot may only be worth one dollar until you cut it up and do something to enhance its value in the marketplace.  That's exactly what these folks do – add value to everything they touch.

Bob took the time to get to know me and what makes me tick.  He was quick to offer ideas that can help me make my own community better.  It turns out Bob happens to be a writer.  All I can say is you must visit the Walker Homestead.  Click here and discover "a little bit of Napa in the heart of Iowa."  I will be there with my wife for a date night soon.  Thank you, Bob and Kristy, for sharing time with me.  Bob, I really like what you said about opportunity:  "Surely, you will miss 100% of the opportunities that you fail to attempt.  What do you have to lose?"  Thank you for inspiring me.  I will see you soon and I will make sure my friends visit your place.  Have a great day.

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