Friday, October 9, 2020

This is What Happens When You Find Your Purpose

 Sometimes your friends can see before you do.  Other times it hits you when you least expect it.  When you find it, everything changes.  Everything.  The light bulb turns on.  You see things you never saw before.  It's like a connection to the eternal.  If you haven't found it, be patient.  I promise you that there is a reason for your existence and it's profound.  

If you're reading this, there is a high probability that your purpose and my purpose are somehow connected.  For me, it's all about helping others find their "why".  I find great joy when I see the light bulb turn on in someone around me.  Sometimes it's only a flicker.  My gift is seeing that potential when it may be barely detectable and I'm hard-wired to keep up the encouragement until the light becomes so bright that it's impossible to ignore.  I'm thankful we're connected.  Let's see what we can do together to make this world a better place.  Yes, that is what happens when you find your purpose.  The world changes.  Have a great day.

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