Saturday, October 31, 2020

Can You Cheat the Aging Process?

 Where are you on the football field of your life?  If you're in my mother's circle of friends, you've reached the 80 yard line and you can see the end zone.  I'm a little further out, about 20 yards behind my mother.  While there may only be a small percentage of people who reach the end zone before the clock expires, I'm searching for a new approach to the game of life.  Some may argue that's a sinister plan.  Others may say, "no way, Jose.  Who wants to live that long when our minds and bodies are falling apart?"

Suppose for a moment that you can make some changes that not only move you 10 yards back in time but your body does one of those Benjamin Button imitations and you appear rejuvenated.  

I may not be in my right mind but let's take this a step further.  Let's say it's the year 2050 and my driver's license says I'm 90.  I show up with my 89yr old partner for the national doubles championships and both of us look and act much younger than our biological age.  Is this even possible?  The more I delve into "Lifespan," by David A. Sinclair, the more I see myself adding 10 or 20 quality yards to my field of life. It may be an interesting experiment to try.  Have a great day.

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