Thursday, October 29, 2020

Living in Day-tight Compartments

 When your life gets hectic, you may want to consider each day as a sort of day-tight compartment.  I first learned this in a Dale Carnegie class thirty-three years ago while living in Phoenix, the same year I met my future wife.  I was juggling two jobs and my boss asked me to sign up for a course about "How to Win Friends and Influence People."  The bonus subject was about "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living."  It's during crazy times like these that I'm applying these lessons taught by the course instructor and good friend, Jim Miller.

Living in a day-tight compartment means you block out the past, block out the future, and put all your energy into today.  You can break your day into an hour by hour approach and focus on the task at hand while putting everything else out of your mind.  I'm using to this technique to manage all the change I'm dealing with while away from my wife on a special assignment.  My plate is full.  I'm trying intermittent fasting for the first time in my life.  My brain is in a day-tight compartment and it's going to remain there until I get a handle on my new environment.  Give this idea a try.  Have a great day.

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