Saturday, October 24, 2020

Surf's Up

 We all go through high and low tides in our lives.  I'm entering into a "surf's up" moment in my life right now.  In less than 48 hours I'm on a plane for a three week adventure.   I'm on the support team at my day job and we're in expansion mode.  Also, I decided to accept my brother-in-law's challenge to join his team on a boot-camp style  six week mission to come out of my comfort zone and be a better servant in our Lord's army of believers.  Yes, the surf is up, way up.  It's high tide.

For those of you who have been curious about my next books, I had an important revelation during my morning meditation.  I wasn't even thinking about my books but my mind drifted through a sea of thoughts and I perceived all the necessary corrections, additions and subtractions that need to be handled during my waking moments.  It's so funny how God works in my life.  Just as I was about to enter my morning session at 4:30AM this morning, my wife stirred.  She asked what I was doing.  "Universe surfing," I replied, indicating I was about to embark on my inner journey of exploration.  It's time to ride the Big Kahuna.  Stay tuned.  This is going to be one wild ride.  Have a great day.

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