Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Is it Time to Change Up Your Daily Food Habits?

The first time I heard about this I was quite surprised.  In fact, it probably goes completely against everything you've learned about your daily meals.  Sure, they call it different things depending on where you live in the United States, but one thing is pretty much ingrained in our rituals.  You get up, you eat breakfast.  Around the noon hour, you eat lunch.  Supper or Dinner is the final meal of the day.  You've been doing that for all your life, haven't you?  Take a look around at all those people with all those extra pounds around their waist.  Could it be that the three meal a day plan is harmful?

I would like to report a strange thing that happened to my sixty-year-old body last night.  Maybe it's related to something new I tried during the day, maybe not.  I don't know.  I slept for eight hours without waking up once.  I did one thing differently.  I skipped breakfast and lunch.  According to David Sinclair, a Harvard professor and researcher who studies the aging process, going hungry does some interesting things to the body.  In my opinion, there are some people in our country who may want to consider giving this a try.  All I can say about my food habits is that I'm learning what works and what doesn't work as a result of trial and error.  If you're thinking about trying this, make sure you consult your physician first.  If he or she is not aware of Sinclair's experiments, look him up for yourself and see if it's worth changing your food habits for a month or so to see what happens.  I will be sharing this with my physician the next time I get my physical.  Have a great day.

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