Thursday, October 22, 2020

Reduce Your Anxiety in 3 Steps

 I believe we can all agree on one thing, we are living in stressful times.  This has been one of the craziest years on record.  Many are cracking under the pressure.  Anxiety is real.  Reducing it is more important than ever.  Try these three things and see if this helps.

  1. Turn off the TV.  This is big.  It's almost impossible to avoid all that negativity unless you turn it off and leave it off.
  2. Don't talk politics.  Your odds of changing someone else's mind are near zero.  The country is divided.  
  3. Meditate daily.  If you can spend thirty minutes or more in quiet meditation, you can change the way you see the world around you.  You can identify all the areas of your life contributing to your anxiety and make positive changes to gain peace.
These next couple of weeks are going to be volatile.  Do your best to relax.  Practice gratitude.  You can get through these challenging times.  Have a great day.

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