Friday, June 14, 2019

More Lessons in Surrender

Here I am again in unfamiliar territory.  All of the signs around me confirm this is where I'm supposed to be.  As crazy as it is, I'm open to just about anything that bounces into my life, like my friend Wilson who I adopted when he became an orphan.  Now that I've let go of all my self-limiting beliefs, the magic is happening. 

The voices in my head were really acting up when I decided to call Twentieth Century Fox to get permission about a graphic for my front cover featuring Wilson.  I'm glad I didn't listen because they were doing everything they could to shut me down.  I made the call.  Someone answered.  They told me my request was unusual but there was a way to move forward and they helped.  Now I have this crazy vision in my mind that Wilson will meet Tom Hanks for some kind of reunion.  Crazy?  Of course it is.  Am I going to act on my craziness?  Of course I am.  Am I learning how surrender is a great option?  Slowly.  Those negative voices will always be there.  The more I surrender the easier it is to go with the flow.  Watch for more magic.  Be patient.  I'm still taking lessons.  Have a great day.

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