Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Add a Zero to Your Challenges

Imagine your challenges are multiplied by a factor of 10.  Are you freaking out yet?  That's okay.  You're allowed.  Who really wants to blow up a problem into some kind of giant that can't be defeated?  I encourage you to do this so you can change your thought process about how to deal with your life.

If you're not interested in change, today's post isn't going to do anything for you.  The idea of adding a zero to whatever you're facing is to overwhelm your brain so much that creativity flows faster to deal with your current situation.  This forces you to change your perspective or vantage point.  It forces you to come out of your comfort zone.

I'm on my way back to Mammoth Caves to spend time with Nature on my day off from my day job.  This is the place where I'm hoping the light bulb goes off and I get some added inspiration for my projects.  It's time to close out my third book so I can make room for something completely different from the first three books.  Do I have enough time for all this?  Well, I'm adding a zero and let's see what happens.  Have a great day.

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