Friday, March 1, 2019

Debt Reduction Journey Gets Perilous

It's officially the third month of my mortgage reduction journey and this month is perilous thanks to three sets of upcoming taxes, a hefty increase in my homeowners insurance bill and a vacation.  Even though the vacation is pretty much prepaid, I have a feeling something unexpected may happen.  What sustains me is the view while I pause for a moment to look down and see how far I've climbed these last 60 days.  I tapped into our emergency supplies to pay for a furnace repair during the coldest part of the season and rigged a temporary drain pipe to our shower to circumvent a frozen drain pipe for our washing machine.  This saved money on a costly service call.  Hopefully, the drain pipe will thaw out soon when the temperatures rise.  If not, the repair can be deferred until the monthly budget smooths out.

Friends are asking why I'm so radical on my mortgage reduction goals.  The way I look at it, the longer we wait, the more the banks win.  Why not go big now and have more fun later?  I want to win this debt reduction game and the best way I know how to achieve victory is to keep going no matter how intense the obstacles.  Right now I need to mentally prepare myself to hold on for the next thirty-one days knowing I may not be physically able to claw out more than a few inches toward the goal.  My insurance agent sent me a note with my latest quote telling me I dropped three tiers thanks to my auto accident last year and now it's time to pay the consequences of my ice capades.  The good news is my insurance rates should be restored in two years.  For me, it's all about the small victories.  Have a great day.

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