Sunday, March 31, 2019

32 Degree Landing

We're home.  Our pilot announced it was a 32º landing last night meaning if there was any precipitation outside we would be seeing snow again.  Just as the humpback whales travel to Maui to find a safe place to bring their offspring into the world free of natural predators, my wife and I returned there to get our reprieve from Mother Nature.  Maui is the place where dreams come true.  One of my co-workers at my day job told me before I left, "come home with a tan and a smile."  My tan may fade but my smile never will.

All of us our travelers.  Some of us prefer to carry everything with us everywhere we go.  I'm not one of those people.  I've learned it's much easier to get from point A to point B when you only pack the bare minimum.  Everything I needed for my two week vacation was packed in a carryon bag and a backpack I used as a personal item on the plane.  The swim fins and snorkel set I found on Craigslist while on vacation fit perfectly in my carryon bag for my return trip.  We donated the other two sets to a family who just arrived the same day we were departing.  My only request was that they pass the blessing along when their time in paradise ends.  For one moment in time I felt like Santa Claus.  No, there wasn't any snow when those two young vacationers got their gifts, but for them it was Christmas day; and for me, I knew I was leaving paradise a little better off than I found it.  I'm back at point A today and I feel much better off than when my vacation started.  Special thanks to those who helped me along the way.  Have a great day.

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