Thursday, March 7, 2019

Your Attitude About Debt Affects Outcome

Imagine your creditors placed you on Alcatraz and convinced you there's no escape.  They want you to believe debt is permanent.  Leaving the island, they tell you, could lead to dangerous consequences such as being eaten by sharks.  The problem with this is approach is that as soon as someone breaks free the rest of the world has hope.  You're not on an island but your attitude may trick you into believing you're confined to a life with debt as your forever roommate.

For me, escaping Alcatraz is a game.  I look to others before me who made it off the island intact for guidance.  It really comes down to attitude.  I know if I keep paddling I'm going to reach my destination.  The real sharks are the credit card companies and they lose control when you gain debt discipline.  Stop giving them your blood and give yourself a life of financial independence.  Have a great day.

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