Wednesday, May 9, 2018

What Your Tardiness Says to Others

If you're one of those people who thinks it's okay to be arrive late because you believe it's "fashionable," you may want to reconsider your position.  I've been told I appear too rigid when it comes to time management but the truth is I care deeply about my obligations to others.  In my opinion, arriving late signals a lack of caring or empathy.  You're telling others they are not really important.

Think about the last time you were late for an appointment.  What's your excuse?  Is it the same one you use repeatedly?  There will always be traffic jams and traffic accidents.  The weather will cause delays.  If you're consistently late, try adding fifteen minutes of extra time to arrive on time.  Arriving early won't hurt you.  In fact, you may find yourself more relaxed.  Don't just tell others they are important to you – show it with your actions.  Be on time always.  Have a great day.

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