Thursday, May 10, 2018

Head Chatter

Good luck silencing those thoughts spinning around in your head.  My guess is that won't happen.  It has nothing to do with how strong you are or what level of success you've reached.  Head chatter has been going on since you were a baby and cutting it off is like cutting off an arm or a leg.  My head chatter seemed nosiest right after my auto accident and I found it impossible to silence.  What I did learn is how to turn down the volume.  Try this:
  1. Add more chatter, the positive kind.  Pile it on.  For every negative thought spinning around in your head, add at least ten positive thoughts.  You may need a hundred or so positive thoughts if you have one negative thought is causing anxiety and holding you hostage.
  2. Declare war on your negative thought.  The idea here is to prove your negative thought can't win because it's simply not based on reality.  When your thought says, "I can't do this,"  do it.  The negative thought must raise the white flag of surrender.  It's best to take on one negative thought at a time so you don't get ambushed.
  3. Laugh.  Show your negative thoughts that you're not embarrassed to go out into the world in spite of all that head chatter telling you to stay home and lock yourself in your room.  Stand up comedians are masters at this.  They aren't afraid to tell the world about all those thoughts in their head and the audience can relate because we all have the same challenges.  The more you laugh, the weaker the thoughts.
Head chatter is normal.  Your response can be healthy if you know what to do.  Have a great day.

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