Sunday, February 4, 2018

Think, Believe, Dream, Dare

Walt Disney offers four steps to help us reach for the stars.  The first step seems rather simple – think.  Think about your dreams and your desires.  Step two is more challenging – believe.  Doubts usually creep in here and if the doubts win, it's all over.  Step three involves staring at an empty canvas and seeing your life at its full potential.  Vivid details are important here.  Focus on each tiny brush stroke that is part of the big picture and dream big.   Once that picture is etched into your brain, all that remains is to dare, something most are unwilling to attempt.  Failure to embrace this final step guarantees one bad aftertaste in the final stages of your life – regret.  This word is not in Walt's vocabulary.  It shouldn't be in yours either.  Have a great day.  I dare you, amigo.

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