Sunday, February 11, 2018

Jesus Heals

It's still too soon to go out in public since my auto accident last Monday, 2/5.  It's not the snow on the ground stopping me or any time constraints.  My wife is concerned that the flu virus may nab me while we're inside our house of worship.  Instead of taking that risk today, I'm going to stay inside and reflect on the message I received last Sunday, the day before the mishap.

Our pastor focused on all the moments when Jesus cast out demons and healed the sick during his ministry.  In my opinion, the demons seem to be around every time God is working on something important.  The demons were everywhere that Jesus went.  In fact, there were so many that Jesus had to commission his disciples to cast out the demons in Jesus' name.  The same is true today.  As much as I enjoyed our pastor talking about casting out demons, the part of his talk that hit me hardest was his talk about Jesus healing.  I didn't know how profound this message would be for me until the following day when my Honda slid over the yellow line and I was t-boned by a van traveling 50mph.  Our local christian radio station was playing in the background while I talked with our daughter on our ride home from a busy day.  The radio continued to play christian music while I remained pinned in my driver's seat until paramedics freed me.  I couldn't breathe or talk.  I was helpless.  What I do know is Jesus was with me in my time of need and I trusted him to be in charge, healing or no healing.  Healing met more time here with my family and friends.  No healing meant it was time to meet my Maker in person.  The next 24 hours revealed God's plans for healing.

All I can say about my experience is that I was never afraid.  Out of breath? Yes.  Unable to speak?  Yes.  Afraid about my future?  No.  My faith in Jesus is all I need.  I knew Jesus would provide all the caregivers necessary to restore my health if that's what his plan was for my life.  The extraordinary part about my visit to University of Iowa hospital is that surgery was not necessary despite seven broken ribs and an injured spleen.  I'm headed for a 100% recovery.  Divine intervention?  I believe so.  Do I have unfinished business?  I suppose that is what Jesus is showing me.  Meanwhile, I'll keep sharing stories about all the good Jesus is doing in my life.  I'm putting healing at the top of the list.  Have a great day.

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