Sunday, September 11, 2022

What Kind of Sheep Are You?

 Today's story is in honor of my dad, Patrick Mulligan, who departed this world nearly 20 years ago at age 67.  He was born in the Midwest on Christmas day, the same day Jesus arrived over 2,000 years ago.  Dad often told us that he was the black sheep of the family of ten children.  

We visited a farm while on a pilgrimage in Ireland and the sole black sheep you see in the flock above reminded me of how dad referred to himself.  In my opinion, the way you perceive yourself can affect other family members, especially your offspring.  We had this dark cloud over us, especially after our parents divorced.  In a way, some of us in the flock also felt like black sheep.  As for me, I considered myself a lost sheep.

I want to give a shout out to mama sheep, the one who managed to raise the flock sans papa black sheep.  If it were up to me, I would put a halo on top of her head.  She is a humble as they come.  Mom prays unceasingly for her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, as well as all the other sheep of the world.  This includes white sheep, black sheep, lost sheep, purple sheep, or any other category of sheep you may feel like you fit into.  I'm writing this because I don't ever want my mother to look back and feel like she failed.  Got it, mom?  

I believe there is a reason Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God.  By the way, a lamb is a sheep under the age of one.  Jesus wanted to appear to us as one of our siblings rather than some out-of-touch mighty warrior.  Jesus chose to come into this world as someone we could relate to no matter how we see ourselves. My life changed when Jesus found me.  He leaves the other 99 to find the lost one.  He washes all his sheep in his blood so that we can all become white just like him.  Jesus cautions us not to judge any other sheep in his flock because that's not our role.  We are to behave like my mother behaves when it comes to other sheep we may not get along with.  We are to pray that these sheep who may be lost, hurt, angry, troubled, afraid, etc, to find the Lamb of God and live with God forever.

Before I conclude today, I would like to address those who don't know his voice yet.  I saw something really special during my time in Ireland.  It had to do with this place called Knock.  Talk to me the next time we are together and I will share in greater detail.  Knock is the place where there was a special apparition that remained for about two hours on August 21, 1879.  There are fifteen documented witnesses who observed a lamb on top of the altar below a cross.  Angels surrounded the altar.  Mary, Mother of God was off to the side.  Mary was surrounded by her husband, Joseph, and St. John who was holding a book.  In this book, John referred to Jesus as the Lamb of God.  The part that I want to add here is our pilgrim group attended mass in this chapel in Knock where the apparition was recreated in 3D.  Our spiritual leader on the pilgrimage held up a host directly beneath the image of the Lamb standing on the altar saying the words, "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world."  This Lamb of God died for you so that you can be free of anything holding you back.  That's where my dad is now.  He is no longer a black sheep.  Neither am I.  How about you?  What kind of sheep are you?  My prayer for you today is that you hear his voice and follow him.  You don't have to do anything special.  You don't earn your way to Heaven.  All you have to do is follow the Lamb of God.  He died for you.  You are a forgiven sheep.  God bless you.  Have a great day.


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