Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Silent Signals from Your Brain

 It's been a rough couple of years, hasn't it?  You wore a mask for a couple of years.  Your favorite vacation spots were out of reach.  The economy went into a tailspin.  Loved ones died.  People around you seem different.  Does this sound like your reality?  Don't forget to look in the mirror.  You are also different.  Your brain has been in a war zone ever since the pandemic started.  Even though most of the danger is now in the rear view mirror, I have a gut feeling that your brain is sending you silent signals.  Your friends and family are going through the same challenges.  

In my opinion, decoding these silent signals is crucial.  Your brain may still be in defense mode.  If you don't figure out how to understand what's going on in your mind, you may suffer.  Illness may creep into your life. Insomnia is another red flag.  So is irritability.  Perhaps your brain just needs to offload some of the pain you've been holding inside.  There is professional help for this.  Imagine what your life could be like if you found a way to decode these silent signals from your brain and you acknowledged that the last couple of years have taken a toll.  Set your brain free.  Admit that this struggle all of us have been dealing with is affecting your life.  You probably know someone who needs a friend.  Be the friend.  Have a great day.

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