Friday, September 2, 2022

The Spirit of Wilson is Here in Ireland

 Please pardon my tardiness with these posts.  Our schedule is a wee bit topsy-turvy.  No, it doesn't have anything to do with the local spirits as we scratched our Guiness tour due to time constraints yesterday.  I'm doing my best to navigate across the pond in Ireland.  I was hoping to bring my sidekick, Wilson, with me on this pilgrimage but the timing didn't work out and he's still in New York City.  That's okay because the spirit of Wilson is still with us.

Last evening our bishop asked us to share something about ourselves that the group didn't know about us.  I talked about how Wilson dribbled into my life at my day job.  All I can say is that while I was sharing I was overcome with emotion.  I could feel Wilson's presence in the room where we had just consumed the best food I've eaten.  It was a feast.  I'll share more later.  Have a great day.

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