Saturday, September 3, 2022

Did We Meet Jesus?


Today's story is a wee bit out of this world.  My wife and a friend, Linda, from our pilgrimage decided to take a walk after dinner.  Another couple on the pilgrimage had the same idea.  We followed our wives and walked several blocks where we met a man who looks like Jesus.  I asked him, "Have you ever watched The Chosen?"

"No," he answered.

"You should check it out," I said.  "You resemble the actor who plays Jesus."

We told the man we are on a pilgrimage.  He shared that he is Greek Orthodox and he is from Palestine.  The conversation gave me goose bumps because I felt like I was talking directly to Jesus.  I asked permission to take a group selfie so we could share the photo with the 33 pilgrims on the adventure.  Also, I wanted proof for my blog readers who are curious about Ireland.  Maybe we didn't really meet Jesus on the road to Searsons but we sure came close.  By the way, Jesus does promise that when two or more are gathered in his name, he is there.

If the evening had ended with our Jesus look alike it would have been near perfect.  We returned from Northern Ireland where we visited St. Patrick's grave and the walk was a great way to end the day.  Our new friend pointed to a pub at the end of the street and the six of us headed there for a round.  The man at the door, Bill, showed us to a table and connected us with Patricia for our beers. I know what you're thinking.  Hey Michael, you're in Dublin.  Of course you're going to meet people with that name.  Well,  Patricia, like us, isn't from around here.  She is from Brazil.  Patricia came to Ireland to learn English and study marketing which happens to be what I do at my day job.  She is from our denomination.  I asked the girl sitting next to us to snap the photo you see here.  It turns out the girl next to us lives three hours away in Knock.  That's where we're going today.  More on that tomorrow.  Have a great day.  

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