Tuesday, November 30, 2021

How are Your Holiday Spirits?

 There are many valid reasons why this time of year is so stressful for others.  The sun rises and sets much earlier depriving us of much needed Vitamin D.  There are longer lines everywhere you look.  Many of us have been locked up in our homes for what seems like an eternity due to the pandemic.  Food prices are now out of control causing a heavy burden on our budgets.  Are these things causing your Holiday spirits to shrink?

My wife and I booked a trip to Arizona recently to attend a wedding and this helped both of us get an extra shot of Vitamin D from the Valley of the Sun where I grew up.  There are some great travel deals offered by the airlines to make travel affordable and allow you the opportunity to increase your Vitamin D.  If this is not a viable option, consider increasing your Vitamin D with a supplement.  Check with your doctor to get the proper medical advice when making changes to your routine.

I would like to share one more idea to boost your Holiday spirits during this challenging time of the year.  Get some of your friends together once a week and share your ideas for uplifting your morale.  The group my wife and I joined is from our local church.  We are making new friends while reducing our stress levels.  It's so easy to forget the real reason for the season.  This is supposed to be a joyful time.  We are about to celebrate the most important birthday of all times.  I'm sure it was really stressful for the Holy family when they were about to welcome Jesus into the world.  I'm happy I was reminded that Jesus is the real reason for the season and I hope Jesus helps you to raise your Holiday spirits during this special time. Have a great day.

Monday, November 29, 2021

I'm Working on Raising My Credibility Grade

I don't have to wait for my end-of-year report card to know my grades.  Sadly, they aren't so good.  Maybe my Kindergarten teacher is some sort of prophet.  Thanks, mom, for saving that report card from Mrs. Kabrice who I nicknamed named Mrs. Kaboose.  She reported quite accurately that I could have done better.  The same is true with one more report card preserved from elementary school that my mom gave me on my latest visit.  Maybe some day I will get it right.  If you are looking for some entertainment value, read on and I'll share my self evaluation for this year.

Let's start with credibility.  I give myself a C in this category which is probably more generous than my early teachers would be if they were around to hand out report cards.  At least this somewhat average grade is higher than my grade for meeting deadlines which stands at a Big F- as this year comes to a conclusion.  More on that later.  I'm not bothered by this grade.  It's similar to calling myself in to my own personal principal's office and looking myself in the mirror for my own personal counseling notice.  CN's as we call it at my day job are meant to identify areas of improvement.  I need a plan to raise this grade if I'm going to sell more than five books.   

Who in their right mind would publish a book entitled "Live Long and Prosper" when they are mired in debt and have a health record like mine?  Yep.  I'm the one who had two strikes against me not that long ago when the fat lady in the stands was preparing her vocal cords to sing at my funeral.  I'm the guy who got sued a couple of times for my failure to follow the proper guidelines.  I'm also the guy who lost most of my fortune when I short sold my home at the bottom of the market.  The C grade is for the lessons learned and for the improvement I've made these last three years retiring my debt.

If you made it this far, I'm going to share one grade that I feel pretty good about.  Unfortunately, it's not one you see in school so it probably doesn't mean much to my teachers.  I'm giving myself an A for my ability to play games.  My buddies I grew up with still talk about the games I invented and shared with the neighborhood.  Don't worry, cuz, I'm not going to bring up "Red Rover" because this isn't the time or the place.  Three years ago I concocted a debt reduction game to help me get out of debt while doing what I love...play.  The deadline was set at 36 months.  Well, it turns out I won't finish on time.  Three additional months are necessary.  That makes the new target 3/17/22.  If you know me, you know this is the day we maximize fun and games.  Yes, it's St. Patrick's Day.  Could this be the day I finally pay off all debts including our mortgage?  My previous teachers aren't holding their breaths.  You will need to stay tuned to see my final credibility grade.  I may even shock Mrs. Kaboose and company.  Have a great day.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

How to Prepare for Christmas

 If you're looking for a new way to prepare for Christmas, other than standing in long lines at the mall, I have an idea for you.  I found the author on a YouTube video that popped up out of nowhere.  When this happens I always give credit to the Holy Spirit who always knows what I need.  I watched a couple of Roy Schoeman's video testimonials and decided to order two of his books.  Regardless of where you are spiritually, check out "Salvation is from the Jews."  You don't need to be Jewish to benefit from this book. You don't need to belong to any specific denomination.  You don't even need to be a believer.  Consider this book as a way to prepare for Christmas that is not of this world.

This is my second book published by an author from Harvard.  The first book, "Lifespan," by Dr. David A. Sinclair, helped me to better understand how my body works and offered ideas to possibly extend my life on this planet.  Roy Schoeman's book is more about saving our souls.  It's a great book to help prepare for Christmas.  Click here for the link to "Salvation is from the Jews."  Have a great day.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Do This When You're Stuck

Do you ever get that feeling you're stuck in the mud?  If so, do you have a plan to get unstuck?  I know people who are stuck in the mud and sometimes I wonder if they prefer to stay there so they have something to complain about.  If you're one of those people, this story isn't for you.  I'm offering a solution based on my own personal experiences.

The first step is to realize you're not advancing.  Believe it or not, some people are stuck and they are so set in their ways that they don't even notice.  Every day is simply a repeat of the day before.  You can discover this for yourself by keeping a daily log for thirty days.  If every day you live is simply a repeat, you're stuck.

If you made it this far, you probably know in your heart that you are stuck and you want to move forward. Congratulations!  You are ready.  Let's do this.  Begin by telling the world you are making changes in your life.  Find people who are willing to help.  Avoid the people who prefer you stay in your rut because they are afraid your changes will push them to get unstuck and perhaps they're not ready so they will fight you rather than help you grow.

Promise yourself you will not simply relive yesterday.  Promise yourself to try new things.  Don't worry about failing when you get out of your comfort zone.  Recognize that the only way to get unstuck is to change up your routine.  Take one more step today that is further than what you did yesterday.  Resist all attempts by your body to keep you in the same place.  Movement is key.  Do this every day.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 26, 2021

Magical Forest in Hibernation

 The magical forest is officially in hibernation until the New Year.  I've really enjoyed writing all my stories in this cozy space in our basement.  It's time to clear some space for our Christmas tree.  I will miss my magical forest.  It's like having my own private studio.  It's hard to believe Christmas will be here in less than thirty days.  Oh, what a year this has been.  I'm officially at 90% of my debt elimination goal.  This three year target is almost at a conclusion.  I will share more about this when the magical forest is up and running again.  The next month of writing will be a bit messy without my studio but I promise to keep showing up.  Have a great day.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Behind Enemy Lines

If you're reading this story today and wondering why I'm not offering something related to Thanksgiving, I assure you I haven't forgotten today is Thanksgiving.  Today's message couldn't be superseded by anything else in my humble opinion.  After all, most of us in this country will have more than enough to eat today and there will be an abundance of football on TV to occupy our time.  I'm sharing this story from behind enemy lines, the enemy who wants to distract us from the real meaning of our existence on this planet.

If you're spending your day today watching football, I'm not knocking you.  You work hard and now you want to enjoy a day off with your family.  I do want to use sports as a way of exposing the enemy.  You have your favorite team, right?  You cheer for this team all season with the hope of seeing this team go all the way to the Super Bowl, the World Series, or whatever championship event you have in your sport.  You have all the apparel showing others what team you support.  All the other teams in your eyes are inferior. You may even despise those who support your team's nemesis.

Imagine you play for God's team and you are Jewish.  The whole world hates you.  Six million of your ancestors were annihilated because of your team.  You didn't get to choose your jersey, it was chosen by your enemy to let the world know what team you represent.  This is all the work of the enemy who wants you off the planet.  Why?  Because you represent God's team and God's Quarterback is about to come back into the game when the clock is set to expire and you're losing, just as you have for about 4,000 years when the whole world persecuted you.

I have seen this enemy up close and personal.  This enemy somehow invaded my very soul at a young age when I felt about as hopeless as those who belong to God's team.  They had the best quarterback of all times and they didn't even recognize him.  Why?  Maybe they felt threatened.  Maybe God himself made a decision to blind his own team to this quarterback so that room could be made for "the others."  Who are "the others?"  You and me, the Gentiles as we are called by our Jewish brothers.  

The enemy has access to God's playbook.  The enemy knows who wins and chooses to stay in the game even though victory is impossible.  We are in the fight of our lives.  My hope for you today on this Thanksgiving Day is that you can see through the enemy lines and recognize that our Father is getting ready to send his Son back to this world and save us from the Evil One.  Think about that while you're cheering for your team today.  Happy Thanksgiving.


Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Magical Forest Going Dark

One of my friends from my day job spotted me yesterday at the post office in my hometown.  "I didn't know you live here," he said.

"I rarely get outside these days," I told him.  "I'm in my basement on my days off writing books."  He looked surprised.  He may have been more surprised had I told him about my magical forest, a nickname I use for my downstairs basement where I compose my stories.  The name "magical forest" comes from one of my bosses who laughingly told others, "I live in a magical forest surrounded by magical creatures."  If you could see my basement you would likely agree with my boss.  

As much as I love my magical forest, it's time to shut it down to make room for Christmas.  There's not enough room in my basement for our Christmas tree and my "magical stuff" so I'm going dark.  The writing will continue but I'm going old school.  When Christmas is over and we're in the New Year, I'm lighting up the magical forest with fresh stories and entertaining videos.  The two book projects are not quite ready for prime time yet.  I'm in a tug-of-war with some dark forces that long to shut me down permanently.  Well, that's not going to happen.  These same forces are trying to stop the Second Coming of Jesus.  That's not going to happen either.  Everything is according to God's will and God's timing.  I will keep writing and editing until I have something worth sharing with the world.  My hope is that these books will be magical. Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Beware of Your Spiritual Blindspot

 The view in front of you may be easy to see.  You may have even have great peripheral vision as well.  Beware of one area that may be suspect.  That is your spiritual blindspot.  Just like when you're driving, there is this area you cannot see.  There isn't much you can do about it.  It's part of being human.  What's important is to understand is that you and everyone around you has trouble with spiritual blindspots.  These blindspots may hinder your performance in the pursuit of God's plans for your life.

One of the best examples I know of someone who got cured of these spiritual blindspots comes right out of the Bible.  The man happened to be blind.  Jesus healed him.  He could see everything.  He had to ability to see Jesus when most everyone else could only see a carpenter's son.  

Be cautious when interacting with others who are suffering from spiritual blindness, especially those who are completely blind spiritually speaking.  They may try to dissuade you because they can't see the truth.  I do know that in my personal life most of my mistakes are because of my own blindness.  I'm hopeful the one I follow will help me to see more clearly just like that blind man in the Bible.  Have a great day.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Catching My Breath Today

I'm in solitary confinement for most of today and tomorrow.  This is exactly what I need to work on my book projects.  I'm downstairs in my basement sorting out some new material I'm adding to "Live Long and Prosper."  Although I sometimes feel like I'm moving at a snail's pace, I'm moving.  Have a great day.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Happy Sunday

 I'm wishing you a happy Sunday today.  There is much to report.  I will have to share more when the dust settles.  All I can say today is I'm sending you good thoughts.  I'm headed to church to thank God for the miraculous healing he gave my boss, a young man with young daughters who was diagnosed with multiple tumors about two months ago.  He is now on the mend.  There is a long journey ahead for this brave leader.  We are happy he is back with us.  Have a great day.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

How are You Celebrating Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is almost here.  My wife turned it up a notch when she transformed our home into a place that would make the pilgrims proud.  A beautiful handmade sign over our fireplace sums it all up with the words: Grateful.  This year I happen to be more thankful than ever for all the blessings in my life.  At the top of the list is health.  We have lost some precious souls during this world-wide pandemic.  Fear crept in to the world and disconnected us from our dreams.  Even though we've faced unprecedented challenges in our lives, we have much to be thankful for.  My hope for you is that you find something worth celebrating and you go all out.  If you can't be with friends and family, call them.  Tell them how much you love them.  Pray for them.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Be Careful What You Ask For

I'm still shaking my head.  What seemed like some kind of random event many years ago now appears to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  If you've heard me share this story before, please be patient while I bring newcomers up to speed.  I'm sharing something few people in the world talk about because they may be afraid of what others think.  The only opinion that truly matters is what God thinks.

A stranger from I don't know where walked into our house of worship to talk about the Bible.  Most of us have one in our homes.  Mine was there to collect dust.  I rarely opened it.  This visitor told stories about how God uses the characters in the Bible to help us understand who we are, like looking into a mirror and seeing ourselves as God speaks to us.  "Look into the mirror when you open your Bible and see yourself through these characters," the man instructed.

I went open, dusted off the dust and opened my Bible asking God to show me who I am through his eyes.  Boom!  It happened.  Not only did I see myself through God's eyes, I saw my past and my future.  What scared the Hell out of me was seeing what is probably the lowest of people in the entire Bible.  This pathetic animal of a man was without clothes and without a life worth living.  He roamed the caves in the outskirts of town.  The villagers feared the man because he was possessed by demons.  Not one or two, but enough demons to cause even the strongest among us to go crazy.  The demons tricked the man into believing he would be forever cursed.  Why?  Because the Son of the Most High God didn't think he was worthy of being a human.  It was a sorry, sorry life.  

One day, a bunch of fisherman came to shore.  They were the chosen ones, the ones who God favored.  The leader, Jesus Christ, got out of the boat and headed straight to this possessed man.  The demons spewed their devil talk.  Jesus commanded the demons to leave the man and go to Hell.  These demons asked to go into the pigs instead and Jesus agreed.  The pigs went crazy and jumped over the cliff and drown in the lake.  The villagers who saw it all ran back to their village to share what happened.  When they came back, there was Jesus with the man and he was dressed in a white garment.  Life was very good for the man who was once possessed until the villagers told Jesus that he needed to depart because they were afraid, especially because their source of income, the pigs, was now wiped out.  The man asked Jesus to take him.  Jesus said no.  Jesus did promise the man he would be back someday and Jesus kept his promise.  The whole town was there because the man "published" all the good that Jesus did in his life while he patiently waited for Jesus to come back.

This story is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  This man who was possessed actually mirrored my life.  My part of the story is not yet finished.  I must keep publishing these stories until the final climax.  Be careful what you ask for.  God answers all prayers according to his perfect will.  Have a great day.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

What's on Your Reading List?

The New Year is fast approaching.  This is a great time of year to reflect on the past year as it comes to a conclusion.  If you feel like maybe you've fallen short, I have an idea for you.  Review all the books you read and evaluate how these books contributed to your sense of well being.  There is a strong relationship regarding what you're feeding your brain and your output.  Garbage in means garbage out.  Feed your brain good books and you will see improved results.

I have some ideas for you for books to read next year.  Check out my cousin's book, "The Three Miracles."  He shares from his heart and his perspective, along with his music he composes, will inspire you.  There is a good chance you already own a copy of the greatest best seller of all times.  If you're like me, reading it cover to cover may be especially challenging.  Well, I found a way to get through the material.  I'm committing to a guided walk-thru of the Bible using daily YouTube videos published by my mom's favorite spiritual guru.  The series, led by Fr. Mike Schmitz, offers you an opportunity to do something very few do, complete the Bible in one year.  I'm sharing a link for you to check out.  Don't thank me, thank my mother.  She prays for her children daily and I just happen to be a recipient of one the greatest prayer warriors to walk the planet. Here you go:  Bible in a Year.  Have a great day. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

My Head is Spinning

 Maybe it was the air turbulence we experienced on our flight home.  It could have been all the time we had with our massive extended family in Arizona.  Maybe it was the temperature variations between Iowa and Arizona.  I can't exactly pinpoint why my head is spinning nearly out of control.  What I do know is that I would rather have a spinning head than a stagnant life.  All I need to do now is decipher all my experiences and attempt to make sense of it all.

I would like to thank all the friends and family members who connected with me during my recent trip to Arizona.  This trip will be remembered until the end of time.  I will share more at the appropriate time.  I'm headed to my day job to help my teammates.  This is a busy time of the year for us and it won't slow down until after the Holidays.  The same is true with my personal life.  I'm excited to complete all my projects.  It's full speed ahead, just like all those commuters in Arizona who bring me way out of my comfort zone on their speedways.  It's just like riding in a roller coaster.  I'm glad that part of my trip is in the rear view mirror.  Back to work I go.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Wheels Up

 I'm ready for takeoff.  Wheels up in a few minutes.  This has been one of my best mini vacations ever.  I'm thankful for this amazing family I'm a part of.  Thanks to all who spent time with me.  Have a great day!

Monday, November 15, 2021


 Aggiornamento means "bringing up to date."  Today is my final full day in the valley of the sun where I grew up.  I feel all filled up.  This amazing extended family around me has welcomed me back with open arms. There are so many new family members, including a new first cousin in law.  I don't know if that's a real term but I'm claiming Jill as my newest cousin and her four kids as as members of our clan.

Today's story wouldn't be complete if I withheld the spiritual awaking that happened in Arizona.  Full disclosure for those reading my stories for the first time: I do my best to keep politics and specific religious denominations off of this blog to keep the heckling to a minimum.  There is already enough division in this world.  All are welcome here.  I simply share the journey with anyone who wants to stop by.

In my faith there is a secret room many have never seen.  The first time I visited as an adult I thought I was in the wrong place.  Some remodeling had been done and the dividing wall was gone.  My pastor invited me to have a seat in front of him as if you were having coffee with a friend.  Well, there's no coffee.  No appetizers either.  The topic of conversation is me and all my faults.

In case you haven't noticed, the world is a mess these days and I feel a bit like a fish out of water.  I decided I would seek out one of these top secret rooms and visit a local pastor to see about cleaning myself up before my cousin's wedding.  The Evil One did his best to stop me.  The three places I visited were either closed for Veteran's Day, under construction, or the pastor was too busy.  I met a cousin at the pre-party the night beford the wedding and shared my dismay.  Well, he hooked me up.  I got in my rental car and drove as fast as I could to visit the secret room.

You don't need to know what was shared.  Let's just say I learned some valuable lessons to aid me in my faith journey.  I'm going to meet my cousin today for an iced tea at Rubios and share a couple of private surprises.  It feels good to get some small wins in a world desperate for some "Aggiornamento."  Our church calendar may be concluding soon and these days may be considered ordinary.  All I can say is what happened during my visit to Arizona is extraordinary.  No one but the Father knows when we will witness the Grand Finale.  I do recommend more regular visits to the top secret room if you happen to be a part of my denomination.  And if you're not part of the family but want to know more, reach out to me any time.  Just keep in mind that you are loved unconditionally.  Have a great day.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Oh, What a Wedding

 What a blessing it was to see my first cousin and his bride exchange vows yesterday.  The bride's godson officiated.  The congregation was treated to glorious singing from the bride's children that reminded me of the Von Trapp family in the Sound of Music. I bet those voices were heard by their dad in Heaven who had a front row seat along with other members of both families who departed before us.

The best man and brother, Steve, welcomed Jill into the family with stories of David's life before falling in love.  Music imported from Mulligan's island south of the border was led by Mark Mulligan, a world famous musician who worked the crowd with music he composed.  Welcome to the family, Jill.  David's Irish eyes will be forever smiling.  Have a great day.

Saturday, November 13, 2021

A Special Wedding Today

 It's not easy to do weddings when you have an over-sized family.  Even harder when both the bride and the groom have enough cousins to fill the entire wedding chapel.  Well, that's what's happening today.  Two amazing families are merging.  My wife and I are thankful to be witnesses.

There is so much to do today before we head to the wedding chapel.  This is a day I will never forget.  Congratulations to my cousin and his bride to be.  Thank you for including us.  Welcome to the family, Mrs. Mulligan.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Family Day Today

 Today's family day is extra special.  In addition to seeing my mother and some siblings, I'm also about to meet the newest Mrs. Mulligan who is officially joining the extended family tomorrow.  It truly is a blessing to be a part of this family.

It looks like I got an opportunity to dodge one of Mother Nature's first snowflakes of the season.  It feels so good to be basking in the sun.  Temps are in the high 80's here in Arizona.  Time to visit family members.  Have a great day.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Wheels Up Today

 Another adventure begins today.  This time it's personal.  My wife and I are headed to Phoenix.  We are attending a wedding for one of my first cousins.  We will be soaking up some serious Vitamin D while visiting friends and family.  I'm moving fast today to get out of town.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Truth Will Set You Free

There is some earth shattering reading material in the Gospel of John.  His wisdom is not of this world.  Speaking of this world, there are many half-truths and lies everywhere you turn.  You may be asking, "Where is the truth?"  John tells us with a message... Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free – John 8:32.  Easy, right?  Not so fast.  I think I know why it's so hard to get to the truth.  It's because of the dark side.  The dark side is responsible for twisting the truth so far that we don't really know how to get free of our own captivity.

It took me decades to free myself from incarceration due to my lack of understanding of the truth.  I still have a long way to go but I'm making progress.  If you find yourself sick and tired from all the untruths floating around, give the Bible a try.  The good news, as John and his fellow writer buddies disclose in their messages, is that Jesus never lies.  Something else worth noting is that Jesus keeps all of his promises.  Read about his promises.  I know one thing for sure, the truth will set you free.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Adventure Ahead

 It's happening again.  Another adventure is on the calendar.  This time I'm reuniting with friends and relatives I haven't seen in years.  Some of them I haven't seen in decades.  It's all happening later this week.  I'm thankful for the time off to do this.  I'm also thankful to spend quality time with my wife.  Moments like these are rare.  If I act appropriately, I may see more of these moments in the future.

If you happen to find yourself mired in the dullness of a day-to-day routine that never changes, treat yourself to an adventure.  Don't wait too long.  Failure to do this may result in a lifetime of regrets that cannot be undone.  Have a great day.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Headed Back to My Day Job Today

 I'm super excited to see my friends at my day job today.  The truth is I haven't been around much and I miss them.  They have been supportive of my efforts to help out in other states and now it's time to get back into my regular routine, albeit for only a brief three days until wheels up to see family in my place of birth.

I would like to thank all of you for keeping in touch with me during my adventures.  Yes, my plate is full but this is the way I like it.  I'm behind on all my projects and the only way to get things done without going crazy is to take everything day by day until I cross everything off the to do list.  Thanks for your continued patience.  Have a great day.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Where are You Storing Your Treasure?

 Take a good look around you.  Pay attention to all that you treasure.  Without judging, take a peek at what treasures your neighbors are accumulating while you are assessing everything you possess that is valuable to you.  Do you like what you see?

Think back to a couple of thousand years ago and imagine how you would live.  Would you be storing the same type of treasures?  If not, how would different would it be?  Keep in mind that the people who followed Jesus rarely kept anything of value.  The reason for this may surprise you.  It's not because they didn't like nice things.  It's because the one they followed advised them there was a better place to store their treasures.  This place cannot be seen by the human eye.  This is the place where your treasures are all maximized.  You really can't store your treasures in both places.  This is an either/or choice.

The way you decide to store your treasure has to do with your point of view.  If you are a non-believer, time itself is finite and you will probably focus all your attention on your earthly home.  You live, you accumulate things, you die.  End of story.  Or, if you happen to be a believer and you understand you will live forever, that place called Heaven is appealing.  The less you worry about storing things here and the more you care about your eternal life, the more attention you will pay to storing your treasure in Heaven.  If I can make a recommendation about this, I would say, "Make good choices."  Have a great day.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Home Again

 I'm home.  It's really more of a touch and go.  I'll share more about that later.  All I can say is the winds are blowing, the leaves are almost gone, and I'm on the move.  I just wanted to check in with you to say I'm alive and well.

My time in Avon, Indiana was enlightening.  The workload was almost overwhelming but that is to be expected when expansion is going high speed these days.  I'm thankful for all the new friends I made and for my time of learning.  As for the books, I'm still re-arranging and fine tuning all the material.  I'm also adding fresh material to make sure I'm sharing the most recent discoveries.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers during this time as my plate is full and I need to make sure I keep some semblance of balance in my life in order to keep my mind right.  Have a great day.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Time to Return Home

 Another adventure is in the books.  I'm coming home.  Today makes ten days on the road.  I'm looking forward to a family weekend.  It's time to get m moving.  Have a great day.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

It's Almost Time to Return Home

 Today is my last full day in Indiana.  Surprisingly, my voice is still intact although there are signs I'm on the verge of losing it if I'm not mindful of how I'm using it today.  

I would like to thank my wife for managing the household without any assistance from me.  I look forward to giving her a big hug when I return home tomorrow night.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Make Good Choices

 It's been a while since I spent time in Duluth, Minnesota on a day job assignment.  One message still resonates in my head like a giant gong.  Megan, a young lady in charge of auditing all the paperwork, always took the time to look up at me and say, "Make good choices."

I almost blew it the other night on Halloween.  Most of the restaurants were closed and my stomach was mad at me for sticking to my intermittent fast throughout the day.  My teammate, Terry, also from Iowa who is with me for the duration of our work assignment led the way into a smoke-filled pub and we sat down.  Terry looked at me with a frown and suggested that maybe we made a poor choice to eat.  Megan's voice spooked me inside my head and we darted out of the building before our server could deliver our menus.

I told Terry I agreed that we made a bad choice to eat there.  The last thing I wanted was the stench of cigarette smoke on my clothes.  It's really scary how one bad choice often leads to a domino effect.  We found a wholesome restaurant nearby with a great atmosphere and a caveman approved healthy menu.  I also slept great because I managed to escape the smell of cigarettes on my clothes.

I would like to thank all the people in my life who inspire me to make good choices.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Find Your Purpose

 Today's story is inspired by Sandra, one of the sweetest, kindest souls I've ever encountered.  For those of you who knew my mother's mother, this woman is like her sister.  In fact, visiting with her while on a break felt like visiting my grandma Mary.  

I must admit that I'm usually the oldest person around when I'm sent on new opening assignments.  Out of respect for Sandra, I won't reveal her age here.  Let's just say see has me beat.  You wouldn't believe it if you knew how many years she's been around because her youthful appearance and glowing skin hide her true age.

Sandra asked me some rather direct questions about my life.  This was not meant to pry but to get to know me.  She sought me out on her day off to dig deeper.  I hope Sandra reads this because she is my hero.  She lives her life the way I want to live mine.  It's old school.  It's a life of purpose.

Do you really want a life filled with purpose? Seek people like Sandra.  Listen to them.  Watch how they treat others.  Thank you, Sandra for welcoming me to Indiana.  My time here is coming to a conclusion but I promise I will never forget you.  Have a great day.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Day 6 on the Road

 My voice is still working and my legs are still strong.  I logged nearly 18,000 steps yesterday on the final day of opening weekend.  My teammates who were mostly sitting felt bad for me.  I felt bad for them.  They also regretted that I spent time outdoors to serve members when the lines got so long.  They didn't hear me telling the people we serve that we're offering free vitamin D as part of the experience.

We all make choices every moment of every day.  My choices are centered around serving others.  If I can do things throughout the day that move me towards improved health, then I feel like each day is a success.  It's time to get busy at my day job assignment.  Have a great day.