Thursday, November 3, 2022

Why the Dark Side is Doomed to Failure

 Kudos to the Dark Side.  Their relentless attacks have gained ground these last hundred  years or so.  Look around and you can see their advances.  I know their playbook well.  In fact, I've lived through their attacks. The most destructive were the bombs they dropped on my family when I was an angry young man.  Anger happens to be their favorite poison.  Swallow it and you lose your innocence.  Become addicted to anger and you risk an eternity in Hell.  I have good news for you.  These advances are short lived.  The fire breathing dragons will all be snuffed out.  Every. Single. One.  The Dark Side is doomed to failure.  This is God's promise.  Ask God's Son, Jesus.  He destroyed death with one final exhale.

There is zero evidence that God lies to us.  The Enemy may be pretty good at disguising the truth but even the Enemy understands how much God loves us.  The only reason the battle is even close right now is because of free will.  The Dark Side is dark because they gave up their light.  Sorry.  They don't get it back.  Not ever.  They made the choice.  They tempt you to join them.  They tempt you to get angry.  They join forces to gang up on you when they think you are vulnerable.  They knock you down when you stand up for the truth.  They turn your own friends and family against you in hopes of discouraging you.  I see this very clearly.  Where am I getting my information from?  Not fake news.  I don't even watch cable TV.  I get it straight from the source.  Today is day 308 of 365 for Bible in a Year.  I'm listening to stories from 2nd Maccabees, Proverbs, and Wisdom.  Wow!  In 2nd Maccabees, one side is inviting God to be at the center of the fight while the enemy uses rage as their weapon.  One side gets destroyed while the other side is wiped out.  A special forces unit from Heaven joined the battlefield and tipped the scales.  Is this a preview of what is going to happen in our modern world?  The answer is in the Books of Wisdom and Proverbs.  The Enemy prefers you get your updates from worldly sources.  I recommend checking in directly with the Creator.  Prayer works.  Fasting works.  Worship changes hearts.  Sharing the Good News is the best thing you can do in a world under attack.  Have a great day.

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