Sunday, November 25, 2018

White Christmas Arrived Early Today

The forecast is for 6 to 8 inches of snow today.  It's already coming down in heavy clumps.  Yikes!  The good news is the Christmas music is already playing in our home.  Yes, the Spirit of Christmas is upon us.  I'm bundling up for our walk to church.  It will be more like dashing through the snow with these winds blowing.  Today will be an excellent opportunity to test my anxiety training should the roads remain open for my day job.  Yesterday our back yard looked like a golf course.  Today we have a scenic view of the North Pole.  There's something peculiar about this storm due to the light snow flakes and the high winds.  It's as if the snow is popping like popcorn in a popper.  I'm ready to seize the day.  Have a great day.

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