Thursday, March 29, 2018

Can You Experience a Holy Moment?

This is the week known as Holy Week for believers.  It's special because we are remembering Jesus died for us in order to forgive our sins.  The door to Heaven is now open.  I believe we don't have to wait in order to experience Heaven.  It begins with a Holy moment that you can have right now.  Ready?  Here goes:

If you want to experience a Holy moment, be the person you were created to be.  You do this by doing what you feel God is calling you do to right now in this very moment.   There you go, you're experiencing a Holy moment.  Keep it up.  Put a series of moments together and you have a Holy day, a Holy week, month, year and life.  This is your opportunity right now to experience something life changing.  Try it.  Have a great day.

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