Friday, March 29, 2013

It's Friday... But Sunday's a Coming

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It's Friday... But Sunday's a Coming

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. ~ John 19:30

You may be wondering why people call it Good Friday if this is the day Jesus died on the Cross.  The best answer I can give is Good Friday is not the end of the story, even though Jesus said, "Tetelestai."  In Greek,  Tetelestai means "it is finished", "it is accomplished", "it is completed", or "it is fulfilled."  Tetelestai was written on business documents or receipts to indicate a bill was paid in full.

I believe dying for our sins is really Act I.  I like to call it: "it's Friday...but Sunday's a coming."  Easter Sunday is Act II.  And the climax to the story, Act III, is Jesus' return for all of us.  Here is a great video about Act I:

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