Friday, July 8, 2022

Tips for Reducing Stress in Times of Uncertainty

 There are two things you can pretty much count on, death and taxes.  Both are somewhat scary.  For most, there are other things that may be scarier.  That's because the other things are in the unknown zone.  We are living in extraordinary times.  The unknown is just outside our front door.  There are people who refuse to go outside because the uncertainty is too stressful.  If you are feeling more anxiety than ever and you want help, try these ideas...

  1. Phone a friend.  You aren't the only one struggling with anxiety.  Your friend can share how he or she copes with uncertainty.
  2. Volunteer.  Helping others will help you forget about the uncertainty you are experiencing.  
  3. Exercise.  Let your own body pump you up with dopamine-like substances that are produced when you get your body moving.
  4. Reach out to your Creator.  He knows everything about the unknown and he knows how to comfort you no matter how many trials you may face.
  5. Meditate.  Imagine yourself in challenging situations.  Picture yourself slaying your giants.  The more you do this the more confident you will become.
  6. Go outside.  Odds are that what you are afraid of in the unknown zone is actually much smaller than you think.  
  7. Make a list of all your worries.  Take a few minutes and review everything you've written.  Remember the times in your past when you faced these worries.  If you beat the worry once you can beat it again. And if you didn't overcome the situation, recalling what happened can help you be smarter and stronger when you visualize what you're going to do differently so you can win.
  8. Ask others to pray for you.  Be specific.  This is a powerful weapon for reducing stress.
  9. Let go.  You may be holding on to something you're afraid of losing.  Letting go means you are willing to live without the very thing you don't want to let go of.  There is peace in letting go.  
  10. Trust in a higher authority.  The more you trust your Creator the less you will dwell on the uncertainty.  
Uncertainty will never go away.  We all need to face it.  It's easier when you keep your stress levels to a minimum.  I hope these ideas help.  If they do, please share this story with a friend.  Have a great day.

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