Saturday, July 9, 2022

Can You Identify Your Greatest Obstacle?

How long is your excuse list?  If you don't have a list, maybe you're like me and you're hiding from the truth.  I heard it said that excuses are like a**h****s, everyone has one and they all stink.  I like to use the word obstacles because they don't stink so much and they are easy to visualize.  Your obstacles may be high walls, broken bridges, acts of Nature, bosses, friends, enemies, etc, etc.  Please take a moment and consider which obstacle is your greatest.  Don't go any further until you think you've got it.  This is really important.  If you can't identify your greatest obstacle you may be stuck for the rest of your life and you will die with regrets.

I finally found my own greatest obstacle.  It's a person.  I thought it was perhaps the Enemy.  These fallen angels are the kings of obstacles.  They will do anything to keep you from finding your way.  As strong as these foes are, there is a person who is stopping me.  This person may be your problem child as well.  I should have known better but I was blind.  I'm coming clean today.  My single greatest obstacle is that person in the mirror.  This person loves excuses.  This person loves to blame others.  This person is blind to who you can become if you can get past yourself.

It's time to flush all your excuses down the toilet and spray some air freshener.  It's time to look in the mirror and tell yourself you are committed to becoming the person you were created to be.  The fallen angels can't stop you, Mother Nature can't stop you, and you can beat the guy in the mirror if you're willing to go for it.  Every other obstacle you encounter is simply a way for you to get stronger.  Have a great day.

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