Sunday, July 10, 2022

It's Time to Come Off the Ledge

If you find yourself on the ledge today and you're thinking about jumping, hold on a moment.  The easy way off the ledge is to simply jump.  I don't recommend this for one reason.  That's not your purpose in life.  Hear me out.  I'm offering you another idea.  You may think you don't see any other way other than to jump.  Those voices in your head that nag you want you to believe you're done.  They want to own your soul forever.  The sad truth is these voices are getting louder and louder.  Jumping will not end your pain.  You are going to live forever.  Jumping will keep you in captivity.  Facing your challenges will open the door to peace and tranquility.  

Congratulations.  You made it to paragraph two and you're still here.  I may not be standing next to you right now and I don't know what you're going through but I care.  I just want you to know that no matter how bad your situation is right now you are loved.  The Creator of the universe loves you.  The Creator of the universe knows every hair on your head.  The Creator of the universe sent his only Son, Jesus, to rescue you.  Yes, rescue you.  He died for you.  Why?  So that you may have eternal life.  Some day you will look back at this moment and be thankful you came off the ledge.  You will understand that the eternal life you have in Heaven far outweighs whatever it is you are going through.  If you have any guilt at all about what you've done or haven't done in this world, you are forgiven.  That's right.  Forgiven.  Those voices in your head don't want you to know that.  They are screaming, "Guilty."  Tell those voices that you are a child of God.  Tell them you are forgiven.  Ask them to depart.  It's time to come off the ledge.  Jesus is with you today and every day.  You are forgiven.  Please don't ever forget that.  Thank you for visiting.  Have a great day.

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