Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The Bike Wheels are in Motion

My bike training for Ragbrai has been subpar.  Anyone in their right mind would call the whole thing off and move on.  Mother Nature kicked me in the butt on my best training day opportunities with nonstop rain.  She extended her Winter reign forcing bike riders off the icy roads.  The only thing I have going for me is my daily regimen of molecules and supplements that have really only been tested on yeast cells and mice.  That brings up the question of the day... Can a 62yr-old novice bike rider who has no team support survive the elements and make it to the finish line at the 49th Annual Ragbrai ride across the state of Iowa?

For the record, the Mrs. doesn't think so.  The last time conditions looked so bleak was 2,000 years ago when a young pregnant girl needed a place to stay and there was no room at the Inn.  In order to prevail, I will need to camp along roadsides and carry my own gear.  Mike Mulligan had his steam shovel, Mary Ann, to get around.  This Michael Mulligan has his own sidekick, Giovanna who will be hauling my molecules, tent, and sleeping bag.  The smart riders signed up on time and get their gear hauled for them.  I may not have inherited the smart gene prevalent in numerous relatives but I did somehow receive the "I'm not giving up" gene that allowed me to make it this far in life.  That gene is sometimes in conflict with the "mañana" gene also known as the "I'll do that tomorrow" gene.  Every good writer loves conflict.  I'm living it.  At least the bike wheels are in motion.  Stay tuned.  See you mañana.  Have a great day.

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