Saturday, July 30, 2022

Ragbrai Recap


Mission accomplished.  We made it.  Our experience was a combination of good planning and a series of audibles along the way.  The biggest surprise for me is how well I feel after a couple of long days on my bike.  The great weather helped.  So did being with highly experienced teammates.  Today's story is for those who may want to do something like this in the future.  I can't say enough great things about the people behind Ragbrai.  This is something that every able bodied person should do at least once in their lifetime.  There is something for everyone.  450 miles is super challenging for the trained athlete.  Those, like me, at the other end of the spectrum can dip their toes in the water at any point and ride for a few hours, a few days, or whatever feels right.

Now that I made it through a couple of days on the course, I would like to share some ideas to help you if you would like to give this a try.  First, don't try this alone.  You need support.  I'm fortunate that our team had everything we needed to make this a positive experience.  Second, make sure you train.  I admit that I didn't even own a bike until four months ago.  Even after getting my new ride, the storms on my days off kept me from doing the proper training.  What I did do right was train on the hills.  This was painful but I got the hang of it and built up some muscle memory.

Cell phone communication is a must.  I discovered that keeping my cell phone off helped a great deal because the battery drains when you're on the road all day.  A rechargeable battery pack is highly recommended so you can keep in touch with your teammates.

Go at your own pace.  There was no way I was going to keep up with my teammates so I cut them loose and told them we would regroup at the end of the day.  This also gave me an opportunity to meet people from all over the United States.  There were some participants from other parts of the world enjoying the beautiful Iowa weather.  I can't share what to do on bad weather days because the weather was almost perfect during my ride.

I logged about 80 miles during my two days in Northern Iowa.  Now that I got to experience Ragbrai I want to come back.  My team captain told me he imagined me on the side of the road teaching others what he taught me.  I think he's on to something because nothing excites me more than helping others live their dreams.  There's something else really special about Ragbrai.  It's Iowa nice.  Yes, there is a certain politeness that makes me feel giddy on a ride like Ragbrai.  Families line the streets offering encouragement.  Many told me they were praying for us.  You almost feel like a celebrity.  

One last thing before I move on to our family weekend.  Please don't ever tell me you're too old to do something like this.  I met a couple of men in their 80's who shared their stories with me.  Neither one was ready to hang it up.  One of them said cycling is the secret to staying young.  He lit up when he shared his rides throughout the country.  This is living.  It's a lifestyle.  I would like to thank my teammates, Steve, Joan, and Kevin, for all the encouragement.    Special thanks to Steve from my day job who sold me my bike.  I named her Giovanna to celebrate Tuscany where a DNA test pinpointed an unknown part of my heritage.  My dream is to bike ride in Italy with my wife someday.  Ragbrai was the first chapter.  With God's grace, hopefully there will be more stories to share in the future.  Have a great day.

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