Saturday, August 11, 2018

The First Step Towards Changing the World

Changing the world may seem impossible to the untrained eye.  I know exactly where to look – in the mirror.  This is the first step.  Accomplish this and you're on your way to making an impact in the world around you.  It may take a while.  The more rigid and stubborn you are, the longer you're going to be on step one.

I know something about change.  It's impossible to get others to change unless they want to.  If you like what you see in the mirror, all you need to do is keep doing what you're doing and others will follow you because they like what they see and they want results like yours.  If you find others don't want to follow, it's probably because they believe their way is better.  Improvement is the name of the game.

The man in my mirror needs a lot of work.  I'm going to keep sharing updates here.  Thank you for being patient with me.  Have a great day.

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