Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Sharing About My Sidekick, Wilson

If my sidekick could speak, he would have an extraordinary story to share about his life.  I know he's inanimate and most people don't understand the relationship we have.  Before I delve into the details, I want to dedicate this message to all the outcasts and misfits who may feel like they don't belong in this world.  There have been many times in my life when I felt the same way.  Perhaps that's why Wilson bounced out of a moving van in the parking lot at my day job and dribbled into my life as an abandoned orphan.  A stranger brought Wilson inside and turned him in to lost and found where he was confined unclaimed for several weeks until my general manager asked that he be trashed.  Wilson's bloody handprint made my boss uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable is my specialty.  I'm always striving to push the boundaries of my comfort zone.   Perhaps Wilson sensed I needed a companion who would be go the distance.  My family appreciates Wilson's willingness to be a stand-in for photo shoots during my travels.  Yes, I do have a family.  No, you won't see their pictures here unless they give permission.  That's why Wilson is so valuable.  I have a story to tell and he helps me along the way.

Today is 808.  It's like a foundation for me and my stories have their roots in this number.  There's something Supernatural at work here and I can't really explain how it works.  All I can say is that when I let go of all things I thought were important in my old life, miraculous things started occurring, such as Wilson appearing out of nowhere.  Wilson is like the Holy Spirit.  And Jesus is the cornerstone.  Jesus makes all things new.  My own life is an example of what happens when you trust Jesus.  Everything that is happening I owe to the one I follow.  I'm happy my sidekick is with me.  Thank you for allowing me to share my life with you.  There's a certain vulnerability about sharing my life with you in this manner but I'm willing to do it in order for us to have a connection.  If you like these stories, please feel free to come back at any time.  I will do my best to here every day at 8:08 AM, Pacific Time, along with my sidekick to share a tidbit or two.  Have a great day.

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